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Our Services

Lawns and Gardens

We can take care of all of your lawn and garden needs from basic residential mowing services to any commercial  properties.  Our full service mowing includes cutting, trimming, and blowing of all or any sidewalks from debris.  We prefer to mulch the grass as it makes a healthier and more lush lawn puttting nutrients back into the soil for a more "GREEN" way of fertilizing..We can also apply a granular fertilizer in a 4 step process for additional cost of your basic lawn service. Upon your request we can also do your fall leaf pickup and disposal. As an added bonus I can also till up your garden in spring and fall to make things easier to plant those vegetables! Please feel free to email or call us for your free estimate! 



Decks and Fences

We are now expanding to refinishing decks and fences. Our full service refinishing includes; powerwashing any and all mold or mildew that has accumulated on it from the harsh weather we have. We will also sand any rough spots on handrails upon request, or replace boards as needed! The next step after it has time to dry is applying either Sealer, Stain, or Paint. Call or email us anytime for your free estimate! 

Proudly Serving Southeast Nebraska

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